Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our Christmas present to our wonderful parents!!! December 25,2010 :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Spoiling the Despains!

I just love little Hannah Rose!!! Shhhhhhh don't tell... she's my favorite!

Amie is such a babe! Can you believe she's had 3 kids!?! Nice new outfit ;)

A couple of new dresses for Little Lillers!

Yay for new clothes and my new little pink bracelet!

Toy Story legos! No way!!! "I want them sooo bad, Jan Jan." Sammy got so excited for his toys!!

Redecorating the Bathroom!

So here are some before and after shots of my redecorating project. It took me forever to find stuff that matched but it was fun! As much as I loathe shopping, it was a nice experience to finally be able to decorate my very own bathroom (something I've never had before).

Here's that cute Willowtree "best friends" that Amie gave me. I thought it was a nice touch.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Marathon to Remember!

I ran the Deseret Morning News Marathon on July 24th to remember my grandmother and honor my father who ran the same marathon years ago. It was quite an extraordinary experience. The first 17 miles were amazing. I kept my pace and enjoyed coming down the canyon, then my legs started cramping and I had to dig deep. I'm glad I had a challenge to push through. I teared up as I crossed the finish line barely able to jog. Thank you to all of you for your support in this endeavor!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Run for Fun!

Live, Laugh, RUN! Salt Lake 5K with Angie. It was soooo much fun and we were too cute in our pink get outs!

Bloomsday in Washington! It was a great 12K. Let's celebrate those flowers a bloomin'!!! Go Cougs! Boo Utes even though you got the most cheers.......

Adrienne and I "conquered the canyon" in Smithfield, UT. Yep we ran a 10K up by Logan. Go Aggies! PS we got some sweet shirts for only $3 nice material and everything.