Sunday, July 19, 2009

Guatemala con mi Papi!

So I had the marvelous opportunity to take my precious father to visit the land of my mission, Guatemala. It was such an incredible experience, I thought I'd share a little with you all! :)

We left Saturday June 20th and arrived just in time to go to church with President and Hermana Morales on Sunday. They then made us a delicious lunch and had beans and eggs for dinner. Yum Yum!!!
We visited all of my areas. Here we are in the ruins of Saculeu in Huehuetenango. We saw some neat places.

But more importantly, my father was able to meet the families that I taught. Here we are with the Castillo family. The woman I'm hugging decided to get baptized about a month after we left. She is Manolo's mother (the man in the hat). It was great to see this little family and they bought me a cake from Xela Pan. Manolo, his wife Elizabeth (taking the picture) and Edis (their oldest) were baptized while I was serving in their ward. Karen and Gabby are eagerly awaiting their baptismal day but are still a little young.

Here we are with a family from my first area in the coast in Malacatan. They were my family away from home and the first people I really grew to love. We lived right by them. This is Bishop Ochoa his wife Mari and their niece Asharet.

Here we are having FHE with the Cifuentes bunch. Dad talked to them all night and had a great time. They LOVED him! They were in my last area in Xela Barrio Los Arcos.

After Dad left I went back to Xela and was able to see the Velasco Lopez family. They were baptized the last day of my mission and I just love them!

I also went to a Young Single Adult dance with my friend Dulce Ixcot.

I went with Nadia and Dulce to El Lago Atitlan. It was so pretty!

Here are my second parents, Telma and Carlos Ixcot. I just love them!!! We ate lunch with them every Thursday for 9 months on the mission. My Dad just loved them! :) Here we are on El Lago Atitlan. We rented a boat and sailed around it was sooo great!